I believe you have the power to use your emotions to transform yourself and the people and systems around you.


“When patterns are broken, new worlds will emerge.

Tuli Kupferberg, American poet


I believe that humans are creators of realities and systems. Therefore, each and every one of us can tap into all of our potential – the potential that sits stagnating in our criticism of the status quo, in our dreams, hopes and fears, and in our frustrations. We can unleash that potential to build a new reality where we manifest the most beautiful world possible. A world we would have liked to grow up in.


“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.”

Richard Bach, American writer


In order to do that, what we need first of all is a chance to reset our goals and reconnect with ourselves. To do this, we can harness the innovative spirit of our minds and the intuitive power of our emotions, challenging the status quo with outside-the-box thinking and creating what it is that our hearts really want. After all, we are made for transformation. So, let’s transform our breakdowns into breakthroughs! Our wings await…

We are ready for a new way of…


Relating to ourselves

In reconnecting with the intuitive power of our emotions, heart wishes and strengths, we can align to live from a place of fulfillment and live our potential.


Working with each other

Through alignment on a purpose and shared values while focusing on everyone’s strength we can create an empowered and healthy company culture.



Through stepping into your own inspiring potential, using your voice and fully committing to the change you want to see, you pave the way for others to follow.



Breaking free of old beliefs and expectations allows us to create a meaningful life and build relationships that align with our own values and nurture us.


I believe in the power of…



A single person who has a clarity of conscience and a willingness to speak up can make an unbelievable difference. When a person is able to use their self-leadership to voice their vision (however big or small), others will step up and this creates a space where wonderfully surprising things can happen — after all, large-scale cultural change begins with one individual who dares to be different.



It’s often all too easy to stay inside our comfort zones. However, over time, this is where the unacceptable can become the norm and any energy that you once had dissolves into routine and frustration. To get out of that our emotions can be our guiding lights. Feelings are there to help us make sense of our needs, values, and opinions. If you are in touch with your emotions, you can access your intuition and feel a true sense of purpose. By listening to your inner sensations, taking yourself seriously and following your own truth, you refuse to accept the unacceptable.


The Ripple Effect

In a world of seven billion people, it’s easy to believe that the only way to initiate profound transformation is to take extreme action. But it’s not true! The reality is that everything that we do and everything that we think directly affects the people in our day-to-day lives, and, in turn, the people in their lives and so on and so on… This means that the impact you have on the world is much greater than you could ever imagine.


The Dandelion

Each one of us can grow storm proof roots, spread our wings, find our roar, and trust our own truth. Just like the Dandelion. 


The dandelion embodies my ethos as a coach:

Dandelions are one of the strongest plants on the planet. They grow deep roots and weather all kinds of storms.

Just one dandelion carries the seed for so many more: with the right breeze, their seeds fly, flow, and spread, creating new seedlings upon landing.

Dandelion translates to ‘dent-de-lion’ in French, and literally means ‘the lion’s tooth’ - summoning the bold symbolism of a lion’s courage and strong prowess.

Native American tribes understand the white ring around the head of the flower to symbolise prophetic vision, clarity, and great wisdom. The flower would be called upon during ceremonies when clear understanding and sound judgements were needed.



I invite you to your free consultation